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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)


9月前半の課題添削 (9/15までにご応募ください)


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3位 - 洋書ポイント100ポイント



- kitten
- fly
- communication
- between
- apology
- swarm
- crispy
- depression
- blurt
- muscle


An Old Buddy

Although I have never owned my own cat, my mother got us a kitten when I was a teenager.
It was the cutest thing I had ever seen and we called him Nexus. I kind of feel like Nexus and
I grew up together. He wasn't particularly friendly, but he seemed to have the ability to sense
depression. Whenever I was down or feeling blue, he would always snuggle up to me and make me
feel better. I felt like he used telepathic communication. I have many fond memories of hanging
out with Nexus, but what I remember most is watching him swat flies. He would hear a fly buzzing
and immediately have to find it. Once he spotted it, his eyes would dart here and there following
the fly through the air. His head bobbed about so quickly you couldn't help but laugh. He would
swing at the fly wildly with his paw, trying to knock it to the ground. When he finally whacked
it things got a little disgusting. Nexus would eat the fly and between each bite you would here
a tiny crunch. Whoever would have thought that flies were crispy? Anyway, nexus lived for about
18 years and passed away about five years ago. I still think of him from time to time and his
rather bizarre pastime.