
ネイティブ添削で学ぶ英文ライティング - 英文添削の英語便

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英語便のネイティブ講師です - Teachers

英語便の講師は全員ネイティブスピーカー(全員アメリカ・カナダ・イギリス・オーストラリア・ニュージーランドいずれかの出身です)、プロのライターやジャーナリスト、大手企業のビジネスクラス担当講師、大学教授、また英検インタビュアーを努める講師など、スペシャリストを揃えております。 当ページに掲載以外の非常勤講師含め、全員英語を第一言語とするプロのネイティブスピーカーです。


Marcel Morin



I became interested in teaching ESL while I was working part time in a Chinese gift shop in Victoria, BC, Canada. Many of my coworkers were Chinese immigrants taking English classes at night. They often brought their homework to work and ask me questions. It was amazing how they changed as they improved. I came to believe that there is nothing that broadens your mind more than learning a second language. You get an entirely new perspective on everything; a different way of looking at the world.


Shannon Noda



I came to Japan after graduating from university to work at a private high school. I'm originally from New Orleans, Louisiana, but I've lived in California, Boston, and Vermont.
I think it's hard to get students to express what they want to say because they worry about grammar. I think it's important to try to communicate even though your grammar is not perfect. I like teaching on Eigobin and I hope to "meet" many members.


Frank Carbonneau


フランク先生は講師でもあり、ジャーナリストでもあります。英字新聞 "Daily Yomiuri"でも、ミュージシャンのインタビュー記事を書いています。英語便では、英文出版、翻訳クリーンナップをはじめ、メールや日記を含め幅広く添削指導しています。

Hello students. My name is Frank. I was born in Boston in 1973. I have been in Japan on-and-off since 1997. I originally worked at a language school in Kawagoe, Saitama before moving to Tokyo in 2002. I have also briefly taught in Vietnam and Thailand. At the moment I work at two colleges in the Tokyo area and also write for the Daily Yomiuri. My writings have appeared in a numerous periodicals in Tokyo and I have had my articles translated into Korean, Chinese as well as Japanese. At the moment I live in Shinjuku with my gerbil, 'Stinky', and my goldfish, 'Henry'.
My hobby is skydiving. I look forward to helping you with your English.


Lucas Jack-Sadiwnyki



Hi, my name is Lucas and I'm from Canada. I want to be your English teacher so I can help you grow as an English speaker and have fun along the way. I look forward to teaching you. As Yoda teaches us "Do or do not, there is no try."


Leigh Norrie


レイ先生は講師でもあり、ライターでもあります。日本を自転車で縦断した時に執筆した書籍"Japan: 6,000 miles on a bicycle"は日本でも発売されています。

Hi everyone! I’m Leigh, from Wales. I first came to Japan in 1997 and taught English for ten years both conversational and business English. I’ve also taught students of all ages in Switzerland and England. I enjoy teaching and helping anyone who’s keen to learn English. Between May and November 2005, I rode through every prefecture of Japan on my bicycle. It was tough.
I wrote a book that took about 18 months to finish and came out in 2008. I hope you will read it someday. I love photography, movies, writing stories and poems, izakyas, happy smiles, and the long Japanese summers.  


Therese Pickersgill



I grew up in a very multi-cultural environment so I was always exposed to people who were learning English. I became interested in being part of that process. After I started learning Aikido, I decided to come to Japan. This gave me the opportunity to help people learn English. It is very interesting for me to watch people improve and gain knowledge of North American culture/language/expressions through me. One of my favorite memories is when one of the children in my class made a mistake and said, "oops!"


Paul de Vries


ポール先生は、講師兼ライターです。英字新聞のJapan Times誌のコラムにも、たびたび登場しています。英語便では、主にアカデミックとクリエイティブライティングの添削を担当しています。英検やTOEFLの指導経験も豊富です。エッセイの点数がなかなか上がらない方には、添削を通じてアドバイスいたします。 英検2次のインタビュアーも努めています。

I was born in New Zealand but moved to Australia when I was nearly five years ago. I grew up in Melbourne - a beautiful 'European style' city. I became interested in Japan during the 1980s. Japan was always in the news back then, and many people were fascinated by it. When I was twenty eight years old, I decided that I wanted to live overseas for a year. I had somefriends who were teaching English in Japan, and they convinced ne to come. My plan was for a year. Sixteen years later I'm still here. I guess that means I love Japan.


Brent Robinson



My name is Brent Robinson, and I am from Wellington, New Zealand. Wellington is a beautiful city, and is well known for its thriving art scene, and plentiful restaurants, bars, and cafes. It is also well known for its notorious windy weather, hence the nickname 'Windy Wellington'.
I have been teaching English for a total of eight years, three years in Korea and five years in Japan. During this time I have met a number of successful language learners, and have noticed that they all have three things in common. These being a clear set of goals, a strong motivation to succeed, and a 'can do' attitude. I'm sure that with these three things you can also be successful.
My main passion in life is traveling, with a particular interest in traveling around Asia. Some of my favorite countries include Turkey, Sri Lanka, India, and Egypt. I also enjoy traveling around Japan, and really enjoyed Sapporo, Kyoto, Kanazawa and Nagasaki. I recently bought a car, and am looking forward to doing more traveling around Japan. If you have any recommendations on places to visit, please let me know!


Alisha Ivelich



I first arrived in Tokyo when I was senior in university. I had an international internship with a non-profit organization in Japan, and it was my first direct exposure to the country and culture. I had studied Japanese as my major in college, but what I learned in school was nothing compared to actually living and working in Tokyo. Regardless, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and found I fit in well with the Tokyo lifestyle. After my internship, I secured a job as an English teacher, and have been helping others to improve their English ever since! When I'm not teaching, editing, or writing, I enjoy cooking, meeting new people, and wandering to new places around the city. I feel like I can empathize with my students in a way; they're studying English, and I'm studying Japanese. What I try to stress most of all is that 100% accuracy is not important in a language. Grade your ability on whether or not you can effectively communicate with others! Arnold Schwarzenegger is a great example of this; he's well known throughout the world for having a thick accent and improper grammar, but he governed the state of California! Students of all languages should strive for effective communication first, and worry about perfecting the other stuff later. Very young students have effectively communicated complicated concepts to me using only one or two word phrases! Work often with what you know, constantly work to expand what you know, and you'll grow both your skills and your confidence at the same time.


Ross Fraser


ロス先生は、日本在住。都内の大学で英語講師をしています。また、英語教育を追求するために大学院で、Second Language Acquisitionについても研究しています。英語便ではアカデミックライティングを中心に、メールや日記まで幅広く指導しています。

Hi, my name is Ross.  I'm from not-so-sunny Scotland.   Apart from this job, I also teach conversational English at a university in Tokyo.  I'm married and have two boisterously beautiful boys. I have worked in a handful of private English conversation schools since coming to Japan. In terms of English teaching, I am currently focusing on Second Language Acquisition and motivational influences.  In the past, I read extensively on teaching reading and writing. In my free time, I love to take photos.  Japan is great for this, and offers a variety of places and people to snap.  I also like to make and mix music.  I'm currently trying to get my kids to dance to it.  It's a work in progress.


Jeremy Hyatt



Hello, my name is Jeremy and I am from San Antonio, Texas. It is a culturally diverse city with great Mexican food, interesting architecture and a beautiful downtown river walk. I came to Japan in 1999 to visit and liked it, so much I decided to move here. I especially love the food and seasons. Over the past 10 years I have instructed English learners of various levels. I have worked in Universities, Vocational Schools as well as top-notch corporations. In my free time I enjoy skateboarding, snowboarding, playing guitar and cooking. I look forward to helping you improve your English writing ability.


Jenna Hammer



I grew up surrounded by books, which allows me to enjoy learning. My library in Japan is over 500 books and includes mysteries, fantasy/sci-fi and manga along with history, science and linguistics. For me, teaching lets me learn new information and share it with others – different situations require different techniques / knowledge. I enjoy learning languages and am very interested in second (or even third) language acquisition in addition to onomatopoeia (words that imagine a sound). Japan has enticed me into staying past the five JET years with onsen, hanami, great transportation (and the list could go on). 


Jennifer Barber


ジェニファー先生は、アメリカ在住。日本の大学への留学経験もあり、英語/日本語のバイリンガルです。専門はビジネス英語、GMAT と GREですが、留学相談やインタビューのコーチングも得意としています。英語便では、メールや日記、ビジネス関連の添削を担当しています。

Hello everyone! My name is Jennifer and I come from Coventry, England. I first came to Japan in 2007 to spend a year as an exchange student studying Commerce at Keio University. After graduating, I spent my time working as an Admissions Officer for the MBA and Postgraduate Department at a UK University. I returned to Tokyo in 2011 to work at an English Conversation School.
  I love teaching and enjoy seeing my students achieve their goals using English. I believe that if you find a fun way to study, you can enjoy learning English and as a result, you will want to study more and improve! Nothing is impossible.
  In my free time, I love travelling around Japan – I am trying to get a stamp in my Shuin-cho from a temple in every prefecture! I also enjoy music, reading, videogames and horror movies.


Jarrett Gonzales


Jarrett先生は、アメリカ出身で日本在住です。大学での指導経験が長く、またビジネスマンを対象に、ビジネス英語、TOEIC(R)、TOEFL(R)の指導も専門に行っています。 英語便では、ビジネス、アカデミック、英検、TOEFLなどの資格試験、メール、日記など全般を担当しています。

Hello! My name is Jarrett. I’m originally from the United States. My hometown is Omaha, in the state of Nebraska. I’ve taught business English for a few years. Before that I tutored university students. I usually teach business English, which includes helping people prepare for the TOEIC and TOEFL tests. My favorite hobbies are watching movies and taking pictures and exploring. I watch as many movies as I can (except horror films). And I take long walks with cameras when the weather is nice. I also like listening to music, reading, and traveling. I really like traditional Japanese architecture, so I enjoy traveling places that are very different from the United States. I find it interesting and exciting.


Andrew Clark


Andrew先生は、イギリス在住です。日本の英語学校で、10年以上に長年にわたり、会話や英検やTOEICの指導経験があります。 英語便では、Eメールやエッセイ、資格試験を担当しています。

Hello, my name is Andy, and I come from Preston, in the north-west of England. In my teens and early-20’s I travelled a lot around Europe and North America, but I always wanted to visit Japan. I have spent about nine years in Japan altogether. I have worked at conversation schools in Saitama and Tokyo, and taught a lot of TOEIC and Eiken lessons as well. My wife is Japanese, and I love so many things about Japan. My favourite Japanese food is sushi or sashimi, and the weather in Japan is so much better than in England! I’m a sports fan, and especially like tennis and soccer. I also love to travel and take photographs of my journeys. I am probably happiest when I am reading a good book about a historical subject.


Amy Chapman


Amy先生は、日本に約10年在住しています。DELTA(上級英語教師資格)を持ち、ビジネス、 アカデミック含め幅広い指導経験があります。 英語便では、アカデミックを中心に、資格試験、日記やEメールなど 全般を担当しています。

Hi, I'm Amy and I've been living in Tokyo since 2006. I initially planned on coming to Japan to teach English for one year, but I fell in love with the country and have stayed here ever since! I'm from a seaside town in England called Torquay. It's most famous for being the birthplace of the novelist Agatha Christie, but it is also known as "The English Riveria" because of its beaches and mild climate. In my free time I love going to concerts and festivals in Japan. One of my favourites is the Fuji Rock festival which is held in Naeba each summer. I also recently took up hula hooping, which is not only great fun, but is also a great form of exercise. I studied Sociology at Leeds University in the north of England, which meant I could also enjoy hiking in the Yorkshire Dales during my student days. I love the outdoors, so you can often find me on a beach, in a park or just exploring the city on foot.


Steven Coleman


スティーブン先生は、ハワイ在住です。 日本で10年以上、英語講師としての経験があります。英語便では、アカデミック、日記、Eメールなどの全般を担当しています。

I was born in London, England, but was raised since the age of two in Hawaii. I've spent a few years in California and Michigan studying music, and had lived in Japan for thirteen years.
I play guitar and write songs. My best ability is in creative writing, particularly in poetry and lyrics.
I like almost all Japanese foods, but lately I’ve been trying to be fairly strict vegetarian (about 85 or 90 percent). I work as an English teacher, which constantly teaches me new things about my own language.


Olivia Goto


オリビア先生は、オーストラリア出身で日本在住です。オーストラリアの大企業でアナリストとして活躍した 後、日本へ渡り10以上年の講師経験があります。英語便では、ビジネスを中心に、日記、Eメールなど全般を担当しています。

Hello, my name is Olivia and I come from Melbourne, Australia. I came to Japan in 2005 and have lived in Hiroshima prefecture ever since. I began my teaching career in an English Conversation school and now work freelance. I teach at kindergartens, community centers, a conversation school and even a hospital. Before coming to Japan I spent several years working as an analyst for two of Australia's largest corporations, so I have a special interest in business English too. My goal as a teacher is to make language learning enjoyable, so students feel confident to use their new skills. I love hiking, gardening and photography. I also enjoy reading, indoor rock climbing and traveling. I have traveled extensively through the UK and Europe. In Japan, I have spent a lot of time in Kyushu, Chugoku and Shikoku, but it is my dream to spend several months exploring Hokkaido in a camper van.


Craig Stevens


クレッグ先生は、イギリス在住です。現在イギリスの大学でアカデミックイングリッシュを教えている他、イギリスやフランス企業 の英語教育にも携わっています。英語便では、アカデミックライティングを中心に、メールや日記など全般を担当します。

Hello! I’m based in Bristol, UK and I started my first EFL teaching work in Japan in 1995, where I stayed for 4 years. Since then I have attained an MA in Linguistics and TEFL and have taught many different learners from different countries - all with many different reasons for learning English (Academic , Aviation, Business, Engineering, General, Law, Medical etc). Part of the reason I love my job is meeting other nationalities, experiencing new cultures and travelling; I also like to tutor my students to achieve success, to realize both their potential and their ambitions. At the moment I work at both universities in Bristol where I teach academic listening, reading, speaking and writing skills; I also teach Air France pilots online and examine spoken English for Trinity College, an exciting job that takes me travelling around the world.
In my free time I love reading books (usually biographies and thrillers, also comic books), watching films (especially foreign films) and playing football for a team here in Bristol. A major passion of mine is music, I go to a live gig every week. My motto is: “Life is short - don’t talk about it, DO IT!”


Katie Wilson



My name is Katie. I gained my Trinity College London TESOL certificate in March 2010, and I had been living and working in Japan till 2015. I have a great many interests, and I like to stay busy in my spare time. I enjoy following world politics, eating out with friends and dancing. I also play the violin, and I'm learning French and Japanese.


Stu Cooke


ストゥ先生はイギリス出身でカナダのバンクーバー在住です。海外の大学入試、およびビジネス英語が専門です。 英語便では、ビジネス文書の添削を中心に、エッセイやアカデミック、クリエイティブなど全般を担当します。

I was born in the UK, but moved to Bermuda when my Dad received an offer for work there. I then went to Canada for education and all of this moving around gave me a deep love for adventure and different cultures. After trying out a Japanese martial art called "Ju Jutsu" at my University, I got very interested in Japan and since then, have visited, studied the language and made the culture a part of my life. Teaching ESL was a natural way to connect with international students and provide options for travel. I now live in Vancouver, Canada. I have specialized in Business English, the differences between British and American English, College Preparation English and of course, conversation classes and grammar. I look forward to using my experience to help you improve your English.


Michael Stout



Hello, My name is Michael and I'm from Toronto, which is the most multicultural city in the whole world. When I was growing up, it was normal for me to see people who appeared different from me. When I visited my play-mates’ homes they spoke a different language than me, and that was normal. Growing up in that environment helped me become someone who enjoys making friends with people from different cultures. I became interested in Japan when I was in primary school. Our teacher gave us a short lesson about Japan, and I was fascinated by ukiyoe, shoji, and many other Japanese art forms. Our family dentist was a nisei Japanese-Canadian, who was very kind. I used to look forward to going to see the dentist! My first sport was Judo. I suppose it was inevitable that I would come to Japan.


Kit Brooks


キット先生は、イギリス在住です。早稲田大学で客員研究員として日本に2年間滞在後、ハーバード大学 でJapanese Art HistoryのPh.D取得、現在は日本の歴史アートに関する出版に携わるほか、美術館 で19世紀の日本絵画に関する学芸員も務めています。英語便では、アカデミックライティングを中心に 日記やジャーナルなどの全般を担当します。

I lived in Yokohama for one year studying Japanese, and then later attended Waseda University for two years as a graduate student. As my Ph.D. is in Edo Period Art History, I have spent a lot of time traveling to museums and historical sites in Japan. I have taught at Harvard and Brown University in the United States, and conversational English for several years when I was living in Tokyo. My hobbies are quite different from my academic focus! I practice martial arts and boxing, and in my free time I enjoy drawing and playing video games.


Chris Jones


クリス先生は、イギリス在住です。DELTA、CELTA両方の資格を持ち、 イギリスの大学で 言語学や、TESOLを教えています。英語便では、アカデミックライティングを中心に日記やジャーナルなどの全般を担当します。

Hello, my name is Chris and I come from the south west of England. I grew up in a small seaside town called Sidmouth. After graduating, I was interested in teaching and experiencing life abroad so I first moved to Japan to teach English in the early nineties. I spent about ten years in Japan in total and have worked at conversation schools, companies, schools and universities. I have taught classes of all kinds including courses for exams such as EIKEN, IELTS and TOEIC. There are a lot of things I like about Japan including the food, the weather and the fact that everything works! I love Tokyo but I also enjoy the contrast to be found in the countryside. I visit Japan with my family as often as I can. When I am not working, I like running, watching football, reading and eating out.


Stephanie Dooley


ステファニー先生は、アメリカ出身で日本在住です。2012年から、 日本の公立小中学校での英語指導や英語学校で主任講師としてカリキュラム作成に携わるなど 長年の講師経験があります。英語便では、アカデミック、ビジネス、エッセイや日記、 ジャーナルなどの全般を担当します。

Hi! My name Stephanie, and I'm from Chicago, America. Chicago is famous for deep-dish pizza. If you get a chance, please try it! It's my favorite food. I've been living in Japan since 2012, and I'm very passionate about English teaching. I have had a lot of experience teaching people of all ages and levels. I hope that through my corrections, you can learn a lot and feel confident in your writing skills. My goal is to give clear and easy-to-understand feedback. In my free time, I enjoy going to bars and restaurants.

Brandon Pichardt

Brandon Pichardt



Hello, my name is Brandon. Originally from the southern United States, I moved to Tokyo about six years ago. I grew up watching tokusatsu eiga and Ryouri no Tetsujin. I finished grad school at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in 2013. My M.A. is in modern East Asian History, and my thesis focused on Meiji-era painting. My career is now about language education. I worked for a major eikaiwa for nearly three years and taught students of all ages. I have been teaching English at kindergartens in the Kanto area since 2017. This job also includes training new teachers, working on curriculum improvement, and creating a summer day camp program for children. My teaching goals are to make learning comfortable, interactive, and fun. In my free time, I am into rock climbing, coffee, and soft vinyl kaiju toys.

David Scott

David Scott



I come from Gloucester in the UK, and I majored in mechanical engineering. I have taught English to both adults and children in Japan and now work as a freelance editor. I sometimes even translate Japanese into English. As I have learned to speak both German and Japanese to intermediate level, I think I have empathy for anyone learning a second language.

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