
ネイティブ添削で学ぶ英文ライティング - 英文添削の英語便

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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)


4月後半の課題添削 (4/30までにご応募ください)


あなたは、同窓会、または、昔の仲間との懇親会の幹事を頼まれました。会のご案内を作成してEメールで出席を呼びかけてください。できるだけたくさんの参加者が集まるよう、メールの内容を工夫してみてください。 集まりについては、同窓会、昔所属していたサークルや過去のプロジェクトメンバーとの集まりなど、自由に設定していただいてかまいません。


Hello Everyone,

It's hard to believe that it has been 15 years since we all graduated. As most of you know, Mr. Johnson is retiring this year, and I've decided to organize a surprise party in order to celebrate his career. Because Mr. Johnson isn't one for formalities, I reserved a couple tables in a nice pub near our school.

Here are the details:
Place: The Pig and Whistle
Date: April 17th
Time: 8:00 - 11:00

It's a fairly quiet, casual place, just the way Mr. Johnson likes it. I will ask him out for a drink and take him to the pub at about 8:15. Please make sure you are there by 8:00 so we can surprise him. I really hope you can make it. Please RSVP as soon as possible.

Looking forward to seeing everyone.

