4月前半の課題添削 (4/15までにご応募ください)
ことわざは、しばしば人生の教訓になっていることがあります。("a watched pot never boils", "love is blind", "never judge a book by its cover" など)あなたがこれまでの人生の中で、あることわざについて当てはまる経験や体験をショートエッセイとして書きあらわしてください。1行目にことわざを書いてください。また、内容は実際の体験を詳細に含めてください。
Never Judge a Book by its Cover
I first met my wife when I was working in a convenience store while I was going to university. She was tiny and had a high-pitched, almost squeaky voice. I immediately assumed that she was kind of shy and mousy. I thought I should be extra careful when I spoke to her so I wouldn't hurt her feelings. We had mutual friends so we sometimes ended up doing things together. One time when we're out with a few other people, a friend of mine made a comment about women that my wife took exception to. She suddenly grew to twice her size, and her voice became clear and cutting. She totally put my friend in his place. I ask her out on a date that same night. As I was walking home, I thought to myself, "You can't judge a book by its cover."