4月前半の課題添削 (4/15日までにご応募ください)
あなたのとても信頼していた同僚が、突然の転勤でインドへ移動してしまいました。何年も一緒に働いてきた仲のよい仲間です。 あまりに突然の転勤だったため、送別会もなく、最後にまともな挨拶やお礼を述べることもできませんでした。 インドにいる同僚にメールを送ってあなたの気持ちを伝えてください。
Dear Ms. Watson,
How are you doing in India? I hope you are settling in nicely.
It's been so quiet around here since you left. Work just isn't as
fun anymore. Anyway, I never really had a chance to say thanks for
everything. It was really fun working with you. I learned a lot
from you not only about work, but also about REAL English. I'm sure
my English improved a lot just by hanging out with you. By the way,
did you know that you forgot to take your coffee cup? I've been
using it for my tea since you left. It's a great reminder of you.
I can send it to you if you like, but... Other than that, life goes
on. If you are ever back in Japan, make sure to get in touch. It
would be great to go out for a few drinks again.