
ネイティブ添削で学ぶ英文ライティング | 英文添削の英語便

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ネイティブ添削とは コースとご利用料金 ネイティブ講師 添削サンプル 出版物 お客様の声


課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)


10月後半の英文添削課題 (10/31までにご応募ください)



What do you do to save money and reduce expenses? Tell your some tips to save money.


My friends and family always joke that I am quite stingy. I am currently saving to
buy my own house so I try to make every yen count and buy things as cheaply as possible.
I do a few things to save money, but my main tip is to vary where you go shopping.
Of course, it's easiest to buy everything you need when you visit the supermarket, but
this isn't necessarily the cheapest option. I like to visit the supermarket later in
the day when things like baked goods or vegetables are discounted. I usually buy my
household goods like cleaning items at 100 yen stores. On this topic, it's important
to remember your point card for the stores you often shop at, to make sure you get the
free items or discounts!

Although saving money probably sounds boring I still try to have fun! For my days off
I search online for "free things to do in Tokyo". There are actually a couple of websites
dedicated to discounted or free days out and you'll be surprised how many places have
these kinds of promotions. I'm probably only saving a few hundred yen here and there,
but it adds up quickly!


※ baked goods 焼き菓子・ケーキやクッキーなど