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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)


7月後半の英文添削課題 (7/31までにご応募ください)


Write a short essay to make a recommendation for a good summer read.

日本では「読書の秋」といいますが、多くの国では"summer read"の習慣が



Last summer I read the book The Name of the Rose by Umerto Eco. I had
been meaning to read it for a long time because I saw the movie several
years ago and thought it was great. It's a kind of old-fashioned murder
mystery set in 14th century Europe. The main character is William of
Baskerville, a renowned Franciscan monk with a deep interest in science
and logic. Just as he and his novice, Adso of Melk arrive at an abbey
to meet with follow Franciscans, the body of a dead monk is discovered.
There are some strange circumstances surrounding the death so William
and Adso decide to investigate. Over the course of the book there are
several mysterious deaths and many monks believe that it is the work of
the devil. However, William and Adso take a more pragmatic approach to
try and find the killer. The book is rich in history and philosophy.
You really get a sense of what things were like at that time. It's almost
like living in another world. The story has great tension throughout and
I'm sure you will find yourself trying to solve the
puzzle just like the two main characters. There were many times when I
found myself unable to put the book down. Even though the book is over 500
pages long, I never felt bored for a second. I think you'll love it.


※ Franciscan フランシスコ修道会の
※ abbey 修道院
※ rich in 〜  〜が豊富である