
ネイティブ添削で学ぶ英文ライティング | 英文添削の英語便

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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)


6月後半の英文添削課題 (6/30までにご応募ください)



キーワード : chilly, dark, faint, fresh, gigantic, tangy, vivid


A Bear!

I never wear a watch when I go camping, so I don't really know what time I woke up.
It was still a little dark and rather chilly so it must have been somewhere between
4:00 and 5:00. As I sat up, my bare arm brushed against the wall of the tent and a
jolt of cold dew perked me right up. I was rubbing my eyes when I heard a twig snaps
somewhere nearby. My ears focused and I thought I heard something breathing. It was
very faint at first but seemed to get louder now and then. I slowly reached for
zipper to open the tent and see what was there. Silently, I unzipped the flap to peek
at who, or more likely what was visiting. My heart skipped a couple of beats. My brain
screamed, "A BEAR!!!". A bear no more than five meters away was sniffing around the
fire pit, occasionally licking drops of tangy barbecue sauce that was leftover from
the previous nights wiener roast. My heart was pounding when the bear suddenly
stopped and then turned and glanced right at me. My blood froze! Then, the bear
nonchalantly turned away a slowly sauntered off. It was by far my most intimate and
terrifying brush with nature.


※ a jolt of cold dew perked me 冷たいしずくが私を覚醒させた
※ right up すぐに
※ nonchalantly 平然と
※ saunter off ゆっくり離れていく
※ brush with 小競り合い・抵触