
ネイティブ添削で学ぶ英文ライティング | 英文添削の英語便

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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)


8月後半の英文添削課題 (8/31までにご応募ください)



Would you rather be poor and work at a job you love or be rich and work at a job you hate?


 Without a doubt I would much rather be poor and have a job that I love. Although money
is important to have a comfortable life, it is no guarantee of happiness. Like the Beatles
said "Money can't buy you love." In fact, the happiest people I know don't have much money.
The main reason I have this opinion is because I know that the "poor" part is only temporary.
If you truly love what you do, you are always doing your best work and putting a lot of
passion into what you do. This allows you to find your true talent. Conversely, working at
a job that you hate is like torture, it's soul crushing. No matter how high your salary is,
you will never feel truly fulfilled or live up to your true potential. Although you will
have a lot of money, that feeling will always be there. That's why I believe that it's much,
much better to do work that you love. If you truly love what you do, you will never ever
truly be poor.


※ fulfilled 満たされている・充足感のある
※ live up to 〜に沿う・かなう