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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)


2月後半の英文添削課題 (2/28日までにご応募ください)


"partner" という単語は、ライフパートナー、ビジネスパートナー、またスポーツにおいてのペア、


When I hear the word "partner", what comes to mind is a spouse or someone you marry.
Some people used the term "life partner". When considering a life partner, it is essential
to have certain things in common. It's okay to have different politics, or different
tastes for things like movies and music, but it's necessary to have the same core values
regarding the things that are really important in life like money, family, happiness, and
dreams. You have to find someone who wants the same things out of life as you do. A life
partner should be someone you can imagine growing old with, someone who challenges you and
inspires you. They should make you want to be a better person. I know that it is not easy
to find the perfect life partner. In fact, it might be overly idealistic to think
"you can". The key is to not compromise too much in a partnership and always be open and
upfront about what you want.


※ core values 基本的価値観
※ idealistic 理想主義者
※ upfront 直接的な・正直な