
ネイティブ添削で学ぶ英文ライティング | 英文添削の英語便

トライアルはこちらお申し込みはこちら お問合せはこちらHOMESITEMAP
ネイティブ添削とは コースとご利用料金 ネイティブ講師 添削サンプル 出版物 お客様の声


課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)


9月前半の英文添削課題 (9/15日までにご応募ください)


"Write about a fad that you got caught up in."

"fad" は 一時的な流行(ものすごく流行って、比較的早く終わってしまうもの)を意味します。


Wacky Packages

Nowadays, I'm not easily taken in by fads. However, when I was a kid, any TV commercial
for something fun would suck me in. The fad I remember the most was a set of trading
cards called Wacky Packages. They were a series of cards and stickers with parodies of
consumer products. Some of my favorites included Minute Lice (instead of Minute Rice),
Kentucky Fried fingers (instead of Kentucky Fried Chicken), and Snoot Loops (instead of
Froot Loops). Each package contained a couple of stickers, one card and a stick of gum.
I clearly remember going straight to the convenience store after getting my allowance
each week. I would buy as many packages as I could afford. My friends and I would get
together and work out trades to try to get a complete set of cards and stickers.
My obsession with wacky packages lasted for about a summer. Just before school started,
my mother discovered my collection. She worked out how much money I had wasted and told
me I wasn't allowed to buy them anymore. That was the end of my favorite fad. I wonder
where those cards and stickers are now.

※ fad 一時的な流行・熱
※ got caught up in 巻き込まれる・夢中にさせられる
※ suck in 吸い込む
※ work out trades トレード(交換)を苦労してやりとげる