
ネイティブ添削で学ぶ英文ライティング | 英文添削の英語便

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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)


7月前半の英文添削課題 (7/15日までにご応募ください)


あなたは、新聞の"advice column(悩み相談)"の担当者です。
読者から寄せられた以下の問題(A) 〜 (D)から1つを選び、アドバイスを書いてください。

A) I'm worrying that my son is too shy. He spends most of his time after school at home
playing computer games. I'm afraid he is becoming antisocial. What can I do?

B) I get a lot of hand-me-downs from my in-laws. Unfortunately, they are not really to
my taste. Is it okay from me to say "Thanks, but no thanks." and refuse to take them, or
is that considered rude? Is there something else I can do?

C) My neighbor has a piano and she practices nearly every morning around 8:00. I am
working the night shift and usually go to bed just before she starts practicing. I have
a really hard time getting to sleep. What is the best way to deal with this situation?
I don't want to be an annoying neighbor.

D) I have a rather annoying boss who always waits until the last minute to ask me to work
overtime. I often have to cancel my plans in order to get the work done. I wouldn't make
plans if I knew I had to work late. Is it okay to ask my boss to be a little more considerate
about asking me to work late? What can I do about it?


In these modern times, everyone is working on a different schedule. Some people are morning
people and others are night people. Plus, people work different shifts. It's likely that your
neighbor doesn't know your work schedule and therefore thinks nothing of practicing fairly early
in the morning. The best thing to do is to visit your neighbor and let him/her know about your
work schedule and ask him/her to practice at a more appropriate time. Don't visit empty-handed.
Make sure to bring over a small gift to show you have good intentions. I'm sure your neighbor
will be understanding and adjust the practice time. This is how comfortable communities are built.

※ hand-me-downs お下がり/お古の服
※ in-laws 義理の両親
※ to taste 好みに合う
※ empty-handed 何も持たずに、手ぶらで