Hi Jim,
So sorry, but I'm way behind schedule. I know we were supposed to meet at 7:00 at the
East Exit of Kanda Station, but I'm going to be about an hour or so late. My boss just
gave me a document to edit and I think he is expecting it before I go home. Why don't
you wait for me at the yakitori stand under the tracks? I know you haven't been to
Kanda before, the place is dead easy to find. Take the East Exit at Kanda Station (JR)
and when you get to the bottom of the stairs you'll see a lottery ticket stand in
front of you. Do a quick u-turn to the right and start walking down the small street
that is essentially under the train tracks. About a half a block or so down, you'll see
smoke billowing out of a yakitori shop on the left with several standing tables outside.
Grab a beer and a few sticks and I'll try to get there as soon as I can. Really sorry
about the delay. The second round is on me.
※ way behind schedule (予定より)大幅に遅れている
※ dead easy すごく簡単
※ billowing うねっている