
ネイティブ添削で学ぶ英文ライティング | 英文添削の英語便

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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)


3月前半の英文添削課題 (3/31日までにご応募ください)



Do you think the use of social networks and text messaging apps are having a negative
impact on written language?



There's quite a debate going on right now about how text messaging is affecting language.
On one hand, many people think texting is destroying written language. People are losing
the ability to write well because of all the new conventions used to express as much as
possible while typing as little as possible all for the sake of speed. Nowadays, everyone
tends to express themselves in tiny bursts. Short forms like LOL, YOLO and BTW are going
beyond SMS and creeping into every day life, showing up in personal emails, letters and
even actual publications. According to some, this is lowering the overall quality of
written language. On the other side of the argument is most of the younger generation.
They have no problem communicating with all these bits of words and odd shortcuts. They love
the convenience and the lighthearted nature of it. Some can have entire text conversations
using nothing but emoji. They simply see it as a NEW language, as opposed to a destruction
of an old language. Personally, I'm somewhere in the middle. I like using some of the
conventional shortcuts like LOL and BTW. However, I'm not a big fan of emoji and I don't use
odd spellings. I also always make sure to use proper punctuation. Regardless of how I feel,
it looks like this style of communication is here to stay, and I'll do my best to try and
keep up.

※ all for the sake of speed 全てスピードを出すために
※ burst ほとばしり(ここでは走り書きのイメージ)
※ shortcut 近道(ここでは略語や絵文字のイメージ)