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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)


1月前半の英文添削課題 (1/15日までにご応募ください)


What does it take to be creative?

どのような活動や経験が、人間の創造性/創造力を高めると思いますか? あなたは、創造性/創造力


Practice, Practice, Practice

I believe that everyone has the potential to be creative. It could be in connection
to everyday things like cooking or hobbies like knitting/sewing. Or it can be connected to
more "artistic" things like music or drawing. Whatever the case, the key to improvement is
practice. Although natural talent sometimes comes into play, truly creative people put in a
lot of time in order to get better. If you want to learn how to play a musical instrument,
practice is key. The same goes when it comes to drawing or painting. I think the best way to
get better is to do something over and over again until you get it right, or at least get it
to something you are satisfied with. Even professional creative people spend years honing
their craft. We see the final result, but behind the scenes is an unbelievable amount of
practice. Photographers take thousands and thousands of pictures. Film maker shoot days
and days of film. Writers type countless pages of prose. So, my advice to anyone who would
like to improve their creativity is just start doing what you want to do and keep doing it.
Don't get discouraged and keep at it. You will get better.

※ keep at it 根気よくやる
※ hone 刃物などを砥石でとぐ