
ネイティブ添削で学ぶ英文ライティング | 英文添削の英語便

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英検1級のライティングでは、社会性の高い話題について自分で考えをまとめ、 理由とともに意見をまとめる200~240ワードのエッセイを書きます。
スタンダードコースでは、コースで準備された練習問題を使っての添削提出、また市販のテキスト から問題を選んで提出することのどちらでも可能です。 実際に英検のインタビュアーを努めている講師もおりますので、エラーを修正すると共に、より高い点数が取れるよう、アドバイスを含んだ添削をご返信させていただきます。



受信日時:2016 / 08 / 29 06:16:47   グレード :


Olivia Goto


Mountains when the seasons change




Long humid summers


To make language learning enjoyable, so students feel confident to use their new skills.


Complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make something complicated. It is hard to keep things simple - Richard Branson.


Although it seems to be unfeasible , I agree with the idea that world peace is an achievable goal.


One of the problrm problems that trigger triggers the conflict between countries is lack of communication. In the past, our worlds were smaller. It took longer to travel, and long distance communication was a lot harder. Nowadays, it's much easier to talk over the Internet. Voice communicationscommunication can be easily done. I think as the globalization progress progresses , people will be able to understand more about what is happening outside of their country.


AlsoAdditionlly, as the problem problems across the world becomes become more serious, countries need to stand together to solve them . Climate change is one of the serious problems where countries need to cooperate with each other in order to reduce CO2. Lack of energy resources is also an issue where countries need to control the resources together. The necessity of this cooperation helps people tie unite across a national border borders .


Finally, I believe human beings are progressing morally. We can learn about atrocity of wars from past experience. We can learn about the dangers of nuclear plants from accidents. Although history repeats itself human beings keep learning and the world will be improving, so the world should be getting close to peace.


Of course, more education and institutions to direct us to the toward a better world are necessary, however , I believe world peace is an achievable goal, and the world keeps improving.

紫:変更されたワード赤:付加された必要ワード緑:不必要なワード青:意味が解りづらいもの / 青緑 : Impressive!(自然/クリエイティブな表現)


Nice use of 'unfeasible' here to show that it seems like it may not be achieved.


- "One of the" must be followed by a plural noun (problems).
- Add "that" to formally connect the information.
- "Voice communication" is uncountable here, so we cannot use a plural form.
- Add "more about what is happening" to show that people will be able to read, watch and hear about what other countries are doing through the Internet and other forms of global media.
- Use "their" to make it clear whose country you are talking about.


- "Additionally" has more academic tone.
- Use plural form because you are talking about "problems" in general.
- Use pronoun 'them' to refer to the problems you mentioned earlier.
- We use "cooperate with each other" to mean the countries need to work together.
- Use "in order to" to mean with the aim of achieving something.
- "Lack of" is a great expression to use to show that there is not enough.
- We use "this" to be more specific.
- Use "unite" to mean to join together as a group.
- Use "borders" because there are more than one borders.


- We usually use "about" to mean on the subject of, or connected with.
- The correct noun form is "dangers" as a plural because there are many of them.
- Nice phrasing here.
- "the world" should be used because you are talking about one world here.


- Add "us" to show who is being directed.
- Use "toward" to mean closer to something.

This is a well written essay. It has good structure and you have provided information to support your three points. Your writing is clear and easy to understand and you have also used some great vocabulary and phrasing throughout your essay. Well done.





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  英語便へのお申し込み       英語便トライアルのお申し込み
「今日からすぐご利用開始」という方はこちらからお申し込みください。(すぐに、正会員としてご利用開始いただけます) 「まずは、一部の機能を試してから」という方は、こちらからお申し込みください。


