What exactly is a 'rude' or 'bad' word? People can be rude, but
a word? In English there are such words. They are commonly called
'swear words' or 'cuss words'. They are words that are considered
rude and and many people believe they shouldn't be used. Many of
them you can't even say on television. The strange thing is that
they are used quite a lot in certain situations. These words are
very strong and can express very strong feelings. You can often
them in dramatic films or used by people trying to sound tough.
People use them to express anger and frustration. 'Rude' or 'bad'
words' have the power to shock people. That's likely why the 'rude
word' campaign in the article is working so well. It gets people's
attention. Whether it's positive or negative is another story.
Marcel Morin
tell off 文句を言う (例) He asked his girlfriend if he could see other
women, so she told him off.
petition 嘆願書
to bar 禁止する
felon 重罪犯人
f-word 'fuck'を間接的に言う言い方
grass-roots 草の根・一般大衆
fascism ファシズム
fled flee(逃走する)の過去形
immerse 没頭させる
manifesto マニフェスト・声明
parliamentarian 国会議員
coalition 連携・連合
mock あざける
docile 素直な・コントロールしやすい (例) Fish are the most docile pets you can