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'Spanish gourmets drooling over world's costliest ham ' (2007年8月25日版 P14)



 => http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/08/19/europe/EU-GEN-Spain-What-a-Ham.php

Teacher's review


It's a bit strange to say that 'food' is trendy, but it's true. 'Foodies' are the new generation of people with a passion for food. Whether it's eating or cooking; these people are willing to try just about anything. The 'foodie movement' has sparked an interest in 'high-end' foods that are rare and expensive. Because of this interest, more and more specialty items like this ham are reaching the market. Now, I love ham as much as the next guy, but I don't think I'd pay $330.00 for a kilo. I'd much rather spend the money on something a little more exotic. Still...I'd love to have a little taste just out of curiosity.

Marcel Morin





drool よだれをたらす (例) The smell of bread baking in the oven makes me drool.
palate 味覚  (例) Chefs need a sensitive palate to be successful.
.hard-core 筋金入りの・本格的な (例) I'm a hard-core Apple computer fan.
salt-cured 塩蔵された (例) 'Nama ham' is a strange translation of salt-cured ham.
dissuade 説得してやめさせる  (例) My wife is not easily dissuaded.
gastronomic  美食の (例) 'Gastronomic' is sometimes used instead of 'foodie'.

mastermind 立案者
come from a long line of...  〜の家系である (例) He comes from a long line of farmers.
pampering 甘やかす・好きなようにさせる (例) I've heard actors need a lot of pampering.

free-range 放し飼い

fall short of 達しない・及ばない

