1月前半の課題添削 (1/15までにご応募ください)
- 長いこと音信不通だった友人から突然、年賀状/クリスマスカードが届いた
- 友人・知人をインターネットのサイトで見つけた
Hello Bob,
This is Nao Shimura. Do you remember me? I came across your name on Facebook. We first met when you came to Japan as an exchange student. You were in my class at Shoji Highs School. At the time, I was too shy about my English to talk to you. Now, I'm much more confident and hope you are interested in connecting again. I'm really curious about what you are up to. I am currently working as a mobile phone app developer. I sometimes take business trips to Canada, so there is a good chance we can meet in the future. I look forward to catching up soon.