
ネイティブ添削で学ぶ英文ライティング | 英文添削の英語便

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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)


12月後半の英文添削課題 (12/31日までにご応募ください)





 As a music fan, I have to say that 2016 has been a rough year. Several very influential
musicians that I loved passed away this year. It started in January with David Bowie. I've
been a huge Bowie fan for years. I have most of his music and have seen him live several
times. I've even dressed as him for Halloween. Next was Prince In April. Although I'm not a
fan of his recent stuff, I wore out the vinyl listening to Purple Rain and Sign ‘O' the
Times. He actually inspired me to learn how to play the guitar. More recently Leon Russel
died. He was an amazing piano player who had a big influence on Elton John and many other
well known musicians. So, for me 2016 has been a year of reflection and remembering my
younger days. I won't say it was a sad year, I didn't know any of these people personally.
But I have to say, I felt I knew them all quite well through their music.

※ rough 起伏のある・いろいろある
※ wear out 使い古す・すり減らす