11月後半の課題添削 (11/15までにご応募ください)
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Getting Things Done
A few months ago I went to a seminar called "Getting Things Done." It was about how to be more productive and make better use of your time. We covered a ton of material, but the system is basically about following five simple steps. The first step is to "Capture" all of the things that have your attention and recored them somewhere. It could be on a computer, in a notebook, on a voice recorder, or whatever. The idea is to get everything you need to do out of your head and put it somewhere else so you can go over it. The next step is to "Clarify" the things you got out of your head. Essentially, you ask yourself if you can do something about an item at the moment. If you can't, file it for future reference. If you can, ask yourself what you need to do next on the way to completing the task. The third step is to "Organize", which is pretty much self-evident. Put your "actions" or "tasks" into different categories that might include "sending email", "home maintenance", "car repair", "next vacation", etc.. The fourth step is to "Reflect." This is when you review your list, update things, clean up completed tasks and so on. The fifth and final step is to "Engage." This refers to simply doing what you need to do. Apparently, if you follow all of these steps for all of the tasks and actions you have in your life, both professional and private, you will be dramatically more productive and feel much more fulfilled. I've only been using the system for about a month, but so far it is working well. It takes a lot of discipline, but I am getting a lot more done.