
ネイティブ添削で学ぶ英文ライティング - 英文添削の英語便

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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)


10月前半の課題添削 (10/15までにご応募ください)


あなたは、友人たちとハロウィン パーティーを開催することになりました。予約するお店(レストランやバーなど)へメールを出して予約をとってください。また、予約をとる際に、お店へのいくつかのSpecial Requestsを含めてください。予約のメールへは必要事項(日時、人数など)をすべて含めてください。Special Requestsは以下の中から選ぶか、独自に考えていただいてもかまいません。 

Possible Special Requests:
- decorating the room
- Halloween themed food
- scary music  


I would like to make a party reservation for 20 people on Oct. 31st (Friday), starting at 8:00. I know that you normally only take two hour reservations for parties, but was wondering if it would be possible to book a private room for the whole night. I would be willing to pay a special service charge if necessary. Also, because Oct. 31st is Halloween, I was hoping to be able to decorate the room to create a bit of a scary atmosphere for the party. We will definitely make it worth your while by ordering a lot of food and drinks. Of course, I will take care of everything and clean up when we are finished. This may seem like a rather odd request, but I hope to get a possible response from you soon.

Thank you in advance,

Jun Watanabe
