9月後半の課題添削 (9/15までにご応募ください)
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[Star の基準]
0/1 star = terrible
2 stars = so so/okay
3 stars = good
4 stars = excellent
UE Mini Boom Bluetooth Speakers
I've been looking for a portable wireless speaker to use with my iPhone for quite some time. The problem I found was that descent sounding speakers were inevitably expensive and cheaper ones generally sounded terrible. Then I found Ultimate Ears Mini Boom bluetooth speakers. The Mini Boom is a tiny bluetooth speaker, about the size of a couple packages of cigarets. You can connect it to any computer or smartphone with bluetooth capabilities with the help of a free, downloadable app. Mini Booms come in a variety of colors and the build quality is excellent. What impresses me the most about these speakers is the quality of the sound. It's amazing how much bass comes out of such tiny speakers while maintaining crisp, clear highs as well. At around \9,000 each, these speakers are a real bargain. They outperform similar products that are twice the price. Anyone interested in wireless speakers should give these a try.
★★★★ 4 stars