8月前半の課題添削 (8/15までにご応募ください)
、友人は返すのを忘れているようです。友人へメールを出して、返してくれるよう頼んでください。メールでは、トーン (i.e. upset, slightly angry, sarcastic, frustrated, easygoing, unconcerned, etc.)をうまく表せるよう、単語や文章を工夫してみてください。
Hi Jim,
It's been ages. How have you been? Are you still working on that big project? I know you've been really busy. The reason I'm emailing is because I need my digital SLR back. If I remember correctly, you borrowed it a few months ago. Normally, I just use my phone to take pictures and don't really need my SLR. However, I'm going to Canada for my summer vacation next month and I'd really like to do some serious photography while I'm there. My smartphone has a fairly decent camera, but I'd like to go whole hog taking pictures on this trip. I'm leaving on the 8th, so I'd like to get my camera back from you before then. Perhaps we can meet up for a few drinks and catch up while we're at it. Let me know what your schedule is like next week so we can set something up. Looking forward to seeing you.
Have a good one.