7月前半の課題添削 (7/15までにご応募ください)
一般的な知識に対して、「ここはもう少し勉強したい(しなければならない)、知識を増やしたいと思っていることはありますか? 政治や環境問題、インターネット、その他新しい技術などの一般的な知識の中で、あなたが苦手だと思っている"Soft Spot"についてエッセイを記述してください。
I have been a huge music fan since I was a teenager. Rock ’n’ Roll is what got me started and over the years I have branched out into blues bluegrass, country, folk, and to some extent, classic jazz. I believe I can hold my own in a conversation about any of these musical genres. I wouldn't say I am an expert, but I do have a lot to say about all of these musical styles. Unfortunately, when it comes to classical music, I fall a little short. I can recognize some of the better known pieces like Beethoven’s 5th symphony (although I sometimes confuse it with his 9th) or Fur Elise (because my wife plays it all the time), but that’s about it. I always feel really stupid if I speak to a classical music fan. They tend to give me this ‘So, you’re not a REAL music fan, then.’ kind of look. It really bothers me. To solve the problem I recently picked up a copy of ‘Classical Music for Dummies’. It a clever guide to classical music for beginners. It’s quite entertaining and very easy to read. I’m already starting to feel more cultured. By the time I meet another classical music fan, I should be able to at least fake my way through a conversation about classical music.