7月前半の課題添削 (7/15までにご応募ください)
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Hi Micky,
How have you been? It's been ages! How's life in Sapporo? I can't believe it'a already been almost three years! I hope you are liking the new gig. Listen, I've decided I'm just going to hang around in Tokyo for my summer vacation this year. I thought I'd save a little money and just find some fun stuff to do around here, instead. If you haven't made any plans, why don't come back to Tokyo for a visit for a couple days? I've got an extra sofa bed, so you can stay at my place if you like. It's not the Tokyo Prince, but it's quite comfortable. We can just hang out in Tokyo and do silly, touristy things. You haven't been up Tokyo Skytree, have you? I've been looking for an excuse to go, so that's one thing we can do. We can also go to our old watering hole and talk about old times, It'll be fun. I'm off from August 9th to the 16th. Please let me know what you think. I'd love to spend some time catching up.
Hope to hear from you soon.