5月前半の課題添削 (5/15までにご応募ください)
Hi Mike,
Yeah, I managed to lose ten kilograms last year. It's great that you've decided to lose some weight. I'll warn you, it isn't easy. The key is discipline. Get into a routine and stick to it. All I did was monitor my calorie intake and exercise regularly. I downloaded a calorie counting app for my phone to keep track of my calorie intake. There are lots of apps to choose from, but I use one called ‘My Fitness Pal’. First, you put in some personal information (sex, age, weight, etc.) along with your target weight and how quickly you want to lose it. The app then gives you the number of calories you are allowed each day. Then just start logging everything you eat when you eat it, and the app will keep a running total each day. As long as you don't go over your calorie limit, you will start losing weight. I treated counting calories as a kind of game. If I finished a day under my limit, I would be really happy. If I finished over my limit, I would feel really guilty. I still count calories every day, even though I'm not trying to lose weight anymore. Anyway, good luck! If you need more advice, or just a sympathetic ear, shoot me an email or give me a call anytime.