
ネイティブ添削で学ぶ英文ライティング - 英文添削の英語便

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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)



3月後半の課題添削 (3/31までにご応募ください)




1. The day started off just like any other Saturday.
2. It was a cold, crisp morning and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.
3. The package arrived just before noon.
4. My day started with a knock on the door.
5. When the pilot announced we were beginning our descent, I realized it was really happening.
6. I arrived at work almost half an hour late.


1. If only I had remembered to bring my Swiss army knife.
2. He/She looked into my eyes and said, "You can say that again".
3. I woke up with the worst hangover I'd had in years.
4. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
5. I thought it was a good idea at the time.
6. The whole room suddenly erupted with laughter.



The day started off just like any other Saturday. I got up around 10:00 and put on some coffee. While it was brewing, I checked my email. After the coffee was ready, I grabbed my iPad and sat down to read the morning news. Just then my phone rang. It was my buddy, Dave. "Are you doing anything for lunch?", he asked. "No." I replied. "I was planning to hang out at home today." He sounded a little flustered, "Can you meet me for lunch? I've got a really big problem with Anne." Of course I couldn't turn down a friend with relationship problems, so I agreed to meet him for lunch at this Italian place we sometimes go to after work. While on route to the restaurant, I started thinking about how strange it was for Dave to call me about his personal problems. It wasn't like him. I figured it must be something serious. As I approached the restaurant, a sense of dread came over me. I opened the door to the restaurant and… "Surprise!!!" the whole restaurant shouted. "What the hell???" slipped out of my mouth before I realized it. The whole room suddenly erupted with laughter.

