12月後半の課題添削 (12/31までにご応募ください)
2013年が終わろうとしています。あなたの今年一番のニュース(大きな変化、面白かったこと、特別なイベントなど)をショートエッセイで書いてください。 仕事のことや、家族のことなどなんでもかまいません。 可能なかぎり5 Ws (who, what, when, where, why)を含めて、読み手が興味を引くような文章を書いてみてください。
Buying a New Place
Unquestionably, the biggest event for me this year was buying a new place. I have rented all of my life, but finally took the plunge and bought a home. It's pretty scary to be so tied to something. At the same time, it's quite exciting. For the first time in my life, I feel like a grown up. I bought the place three months ago. It's in a fairly quiet neighborhood aware from the station. It's not super convenient, but I'm really enjoying the piece and quiet. One of the reasons my wife and I decided to move was because we wanted to get rid of a lot of the stuff we've been accumulating over the years. It's amazing how much junk you collect over time. It felt really liberating to let go of several boxes of stuff. It's also been quite fun setting up the new place. We bought a few new bits of furniture, and the pieces we brought with us got new life in the new place. I really feel like I'm starting a brand new life. It's like I have a fresh perspective on everything. I'm really looking forward to 2014.