11月後半の課題添削 (11/30までにご応募ください)
クラウドファンディング(crowd funding)とは、不特定多数の人が通常インターネット経由で他の人々や組織に財源の提供や協力などを行うことで、簡単に資金を集める方法として人気 が出てきています。 起業家は新しいビジネスアイデアを投稿し、小額の投資をしてくれる人々をインターネットで集います。(不特定多数の募集なので、1人 の投資額は通常小額です)そして、投資してくれた人へは、謝礼や特典があります( Special edition goods, VIP service など)
Off the Grid
In recent years, people have been spending more and more time ‘connected’. Advances in mobile technology have made it easy to be on the internet all the time. Although convenient, there is a downside to always being connected. Stress! Think about how often you feel the urge to check your email or send a quick message to a friend. How often does your boss email you during your off hours because he/she knows you will get back to him/her soon? It can seem like you are always in ‘work mode’ because you are connected all the time. ‘Off the Grid' is a smartphone app that can save you from all the stress. With 'Off the Grid', you can set when and how long you want to be ‘disconnected’. Once activated, you will not be able to send email, text messages, or use the Internet on your device. In fact, if you sync your device to your computer, ‘Off the Grid’ will keep your PC disconnected as well. ‘Off the Grid’ is your ticket to freedom. In order to get this project off the ground, we need to raise \10,000,000 for software development and marketing. Standard investors (\1,000 - \10,000) will be invited to participate in the beta testing and receive a free copy of the final version. Premium investors (\11,000 - \50,000) will also receive a limited edition ‘Off the Grid’ T-shirt. Ultra investors (\51,000 or more) will receive a special edition ‘Off the Grid’ branded smartphone. So invest in ‘Off the Grid’today, for your better tomorrow.