9月前半の課題添削 (9/15までにご応募ください)
インターネットで知り合った海外の友人が、休暇中に日本へ遊びにくることになりました。 友人へメールを出して、友人が日本にいる間に会う約束をしてください。 友人に分かりやすい待ち合わせ場所を決めて、説明してください。
Hi John,
I'm so happy to hear you are coming to Japan. It's too bad you won't be spending much time in Tokyo, but I'm glad you have time to meet me on the 24th. I think we should meet in Akihabara. I know you are a bit of a tech geek, so I think you will love it. I'd call Akihabara the tech geek capital of the world. There are tons of interesting shops selling all kinds of gadgets. We'll browse around for awhile and then find a place to have a drink. Akihabara Station is rather large, so it might be a little tricky to find each other. You're coming from Chiba on the Sobu Line, so I think the easiest thing to do is meet on the platform. Make sure you get on at the front of the train, and I'll be at the end of the platform at 6:00. I'll be wearing a bright red Canada hat so I should be easy to spot. Can't wait to see you!
See you soon,