8月後半の課題添削 (8/31までにご応募ください)
友人や知人の知らないあなたの性格、または通常やっていることについてショートエッセイを書いてください。 できるだけ、周りの人が聞いたら、「えっ?」と驚くような内容を題材を選んで、詳細に記述してください。
Bad Temper
I think most people would be surprised to know that I have a bad temper, or as I like to put it, 'a little moody'. During my junior high and high school days, I got into quite a few fights over nothing. Unfortunately, I was a fairly small and weak kid, so I usually came out worse than the other guy. For a while it was really bad, because once my classmates knew I had a bad temper, they went out of their way to make me upset. I'm a lot better now because I have a punching bag that I use to get rid of stress. I also go for long walks when I start to feel like I'm going to lose my top. I helps me clear my head. Every now and then I might raise my voice if I'm upset, but I pretty much have it under control. I highly recommend getting a punching bag if you think you have a bad temper. It's a good way to channel negative energy.