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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)



5月前半の課題添削 (5/15までにご応募ください)


今から50年〜100年後に世の中はどう変わっているでしょうか? "Predict the future" という題のショートエッセイを書いてください。 自分の仕事や生活に関する特定のことについてでも、また世界レベル、国レベルの視点で考えることでもかまいません。今から50年〜100年後にどのように変わっているのか予想して、自由に書いてみてください。




I'm sure lots of things will change over the next 50 years; some good, some bad. On the good side of things, there will be great technological innovations. We will be connected everywhere. Basically every electronic gadget we have will be connected to the Internet. We will be able to order groceries from Amazon directly from our refrigerator or adjust all of the lights in the house using Wifi. It will be so easy to communicate with anyone around the world without spending a lot of money. It will be very convenient. On the other hand, it will be harder to get certain kinds of food. Fish will be quite rare because the oceans will be too polluted. The change in weather will affect crops so things won't be available all of the time. Overall, I'm optimistic. The good will definitely outweigh the bad. The world will be a better place in the future.


