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Tasting Japan


Japanese food is becoming very popular. In many places all over the world, you can find Japanese restaurants serving up popular dishes like sushi and tempura. However, you don't see a lot of 'everyday' food. In 'Tasting Japan', I take you on an amazing journey to discover the wonders of 'regular' Japanese food. 'Tasting Japan' is a coffee table book that introduces the 'daily-life cuisine' of Japan. From neighborhood mom-and-pop ramen shops to yakitori stands tucked under train tracks to home-cooked meals, you can discover the incredible variety of the kinds of food that Japanese people eat in everyday life. 'Tasting Japan' is a collection of gorgeous photographs and interesting stories about the places I visit and the things I eat. Recipes for all of the things I try are also included in the book. 'Tasting Japan' is sure to be a big hit.
