2月前半の課題添削 (2/15までにご応募ください)
現在、(英語以外のことで)身につけたいと思っている新しいスキルについて、ショートエッセイを書いてください。仕事関係でも、個人的な趣味やスポーツなどなんでもかまいません。 なぜ、そのスキルを身に付けたいのかという理由を含めて、詳細に説明してください。
I would absolutely love to learn how to bake. I've been cooking for years and have actually become a fairly decent cook. However, I've never had much luck with baking. I've baked the odd cake using instant cake mix, but that doesn't really count, does it? The problem is that baking is so precise. Everything has to be measured carefully and mixed 'just so'. Cooking is easier because you can wing it most of the time. Just throw in a little of this and a little of that and you can make something pretty tasty. When it comes to baking, one small mistake and you've got an inedible blob of cement. The main reason I want to learn how to bake is to impress my family. I'm not much of a dessert person, but my wife and kids are. I'd love to be able to surprise them with a lovely orange soufflé, some fabulous creme brûlée, or even a batch of oatmeal-chocolate chip cookies now and then. I'd get lots of bonus points from the whole family.