1月後半の課題添削 (1/31までにご応募ください)
あなたの英語の先生があなたの住んでいる地域に引っ越してきました。 先生からメールが来て、近所で食料品を販売している良い店を教えてほしいと頼まれました。近所でお薦めの店を(1つまたは複数)教えてあげてください。 メールにはお薦めする理由を含めてください。
Hello Jim,
Welcome to my neighborhood! I was so excited to hear that you moved here. It's going to be great living so close to you. I think you'll like the neighborhood because it's convenient and there are a lot of good shops. As for groceries, Peacock is the best place to get fresh vegetables. You've probably seen it already because it's next to the station. Also, I get my meat at Yamada's. It's a little expensive because it's a local butcher, but the meat is excellent and I really like the old guy who runs it. He's really good to his regular customers. For general grocery shopping I recommend Maruetsu. It has the best prices for most things. Hey, why don't we meet for lunch on Saturday? I can show you around a bit and we can do some shopping together. Let me know if you are interested.
Talk to you later,