12月前半の課題添削 (12/15までにご応募ください)
クリスマスの過ごし方は国や地域によって違います。 あなたは"Christmas around the world"のエッセイコンテストへ応募することになりました。あなたが住んでいる国、また訪れたことのある国を選んで、その国の慣習としてのクリスマス、または、あなた個人のクリスマスの過ごし方について説明してください。内容は、一般的な説明、特定のイベントについてフォーカスしたものなど、なんでもかまいません。できるだけ詳細を含めて、読み手がクリスマスシーンをイメージできるように工夫してみてください。
Christmas in Japan
The day after Halloween all the Christmas decorations come out. Suddenly you can see, Christmas lights, Christmas decorations, and general Christmas paraphernalia for sale just about everywhere. By December, many places are elaborately decorated and illuminated. Probably the most popular activity leading up to Christmas is going to different places to enjoy the Christmas light displays. The major stops are usually advertised and mapped out so it's easy to find the most impressive places. During December many people take detours on their way home from work to enjoy the spectacular displays. In recent years, many people have started to put up Christmas lights at home as well. Friendly neighborhood competition has led to some wonderful Christmas displays in even in very 'local' areas. For many Japanese people, the spirit of Christmas can best be described as the spirit of illumination.