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Book Smell


This year Amazon.com sold more ebooks than paper books. Everyone is saying the the future for books is digital. Although many people are now reading ebooks instead of paper books, there are still millions of readers that love paper books. According to a survey, the main reason so many readers prefer paper is the smell. Perhaps it's the glue in the spine, or the ink on the page. Whatever it is, it is the key to transporting you into the world of the book you are reading. And now, I've put that power into a can. "Book Smell" is the intoxicating aroma of a bestseller in a can. Just spray 'Book Smell' on your digital reading device and you have the best of both worlds; on one hand, the convenience of digital reading, on the other, the wonderful smell of a book that takes you to another place.


Book Smell - You don't have to leave your paper books behind
