10月前半の課題添削 (10/15までにご応募ください)
秋は'the season of reflection'と言われ、人々が人生を振り返ってみる季節でもあります。 あなたの子供時代の、面白い思い出を1つ選んでエッセイとして記述してください。 状況が、活き活きと伝わるように詳細を記述してください。
One of my best memories of growing up is making my first big purchase. As a kid, I was really interested in music, and loved listening to records. Unfortunately, my parents had a really cheap stereo and my records didn't sound very good. I decided that I would buy my own stereo after I got a part time job. I got my first job in grade 9. I saved every penny for months. I started going to electronic shops to listen to different systems. I quickly noticed that 'you get what you pay for'. The cheap stuff sounded cheap, and the expensive stuff sounded great. I ended up saving for almost a year before I bought something. I bought a Sansui amplifier, a Technics turntable and Bose speakers. The system cost me over $1,000 dollars. When I brought it home, my mother almost had a heart attack, but she let me keep it. Nothing I have purchased since then has given me quite as much joy. It was an exciting day.