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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)



8月後半の課題添削 (8/31までにご応募ください)


あなたの会社は今年、「環境にやさしい会社」作りを推進することになりました。 現在担当者がメールでスタッフからの提案を募集しています。担当者へあなたの提案をメールで送ってください。内容は、資源節約、リサイクルなど、「eco」に関するものであれば何でもかまいません。




Hello Dave,

It's nice to hear that the company is getting more serious about being green. I believe we need a better system to organize our recycling. As it is now, each department is responsible for its own recycling. However, a centralized system would be more efficient. I recommend converting the storage room next to the entrance into a 'recycle room' with several separate bins for different recyclable items. Recyclable items could be dropped off there anytime during the workday. Staff would be encouraged to bring things for recycling whenever they leave the office. If you like my idea, please let me know and I'll send you more details. Also, If you like the idea, I would love to be involved in its implementation.

Thanks for your time.

