7月後半の課題添削 (7/31までにご応募ください)
有名人、政治家、科学者、ビジネスマン、またはあなたの個人的な知り合いの中で、最も尊敬に値すると思う人物ついて、エッセイを書いてください。 なぜ、あなたが尊敬に値すると思うのかという理由と、その人物の尊敬できる特徴を詳しく記述してください。
Jonathan Ives is someone I really admire. He has been the Senior Vice President of Industrial Design at Apple Inc. since 1998. He started at Apple in 1992 and has been involved in designing almost every Apple product made during the famous 'Apple comeback'. Not only is he a brilliant designer, but he is also extremely humble. That is what I admire most about him. I think he is a great example of a modern artist and his product designs are modern masterpieces. Although he has helped design some of the most popular electronic gadgets in history (including the iPod, iPhone, and iPad), he lives a very low key life away from the spotlight. He lets his designs speak for themselves.