5月前半の課題添削 (5/15までにご応募ください)
あなたは、上司から海外で行われる会議の会場を予約するよう頼まれました。インターネットで候補の場所を見つけましたが、要件に合っているかどうか不安を感じています。候補の会場の近くで勤務している支社の同僚にメールを出して実際に会場の候補地に足を運んで見てきてもらえるよう依頼してください。メールには確認してきてもらいたい項目(ロケーション、設備、広さなど)を具体的に記述してください。 会議の内容は自由に設定していただいてかまいません。
Hi Jim,
How are things in San Francisco? I'm really glad we've decided to hold the conference there this year. It should be good. Actually, I'm emailing because I think I found a good venue and want to ask you a favor. The place is Anderson Hall and it seems to have everything we need. Have you ever been there? I am hoping you can find some time to go and check a few things for me. I want to make sure their Internet service (broadband and WiFI) is good as they say. It's really important for us to solid connections. I'll also like you to try the main restaurant. As you know, Mr. Jones is a bit of a foodie, so I think he'll be impressed with the venue as long as the food is good. I'd like to book the place by the end of the week, so can you get back to me ASAP?
Thanks in advance,