4月前半の課題添削 (4/15までにご応募ください)
あなたの友人(または同僚など)が近日日本に来る予定です。彼(彼女)はひどい花粉症に悩まされているようです。 友人にメールを送って、日本に滞在中の花粉症対策についてアドバイスしてあげてください。
Hi Dave,
How are you doing? I'm really looking forward to seeing you next week. I totally forgot that you get hay fever at this time of year. You are smart to be worried about it, because it's quite bad here this year. I'd recommend visiting your doctor there and getting a shot before you come, if you can. If not, I'll make sure to buy some of those heavy duty masks you used to wear when you lived here. I'll bring them when I pick you up at the airport. Just let me know how many you want for starters.