2月前半の課題添削 (2/15までにご応募ください)
バレンタインデーやホワイトデーは、お菓子が好きな人々、製菓業界どちらにとっても特別な日です。 今回は、お菓子ではなく、あなたの好きな物事、またはビジネスに関連する「○○の日・○○デー」を考案して、エッセイで内容を記述してください。そのスペシャルデーに、どんなことを行うことを推奨するのか、開催される特別なイベントなどを考えて含めてください。また、なぜその「○○の日・○○デー」が必要であるのか理由も含めてください。
These days, you hear many parents complaining that their kids don't read enough. Also, many adults are replacing books with blogs, and newspaper with tweets. My solution to this problem is to promote Book Day. Book day is a day to share a book that you love with someone in your life. You can be green and give someone your copy, or maybe borrow something from a friend. You can buy something new for yourself or for other people. The key point is to 'get a book' and 'give a book' on Book Day. Keep in mind that in these modern times, the book doesn't have to be paper. You can still get a lot of joy out of reading eBooks. To make it easier to participate in Book Day, books (eBook or otherwise) are much cheaper on Book Day. Both brick and mortar shops and online stores have great deals on everything from bestsellers to the classics. Let's start Book Day this year!
Book Day - April 3rd - give a book, get a book