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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)




12月前半の課題添削 (12/15までにご応募ください)


現在、あなたの住む地域で、地域に貢献するボランティアグループの発足を検討しており、住民からの意見を集めています。 どんなボランティア活動が必要であるか、また、どんな活動であれば自分が貢献できるかを考え、ショートエッセイでアイデアを記述してください。 



Visiting the Elderly


With the growing number of seniors in our neighborhood, I believe visiting the elderly would be a great volunteer activity. I see many older people at the supermarket, and they often try to strike up a conversation. I get the sense that many of them are rather lonely. I imagine most of them either live alone or with a spouse, so they don't get a chance to talk to people very much. We can all learn a lot from older people, and having conversations with them will help keep local history alive. I've also heard that meeting different people is actually good for seniors. It stimulates the brain and relieves depression. As a volunteer, I'd like to visit old people at home as well as take them out for walks for a little exercise. This kind of volunteer activity is sure to bring the community a little closer together.


