11月後半の課題添削 (11/30までにご応募ください)
あなたは独身の友人から、誰か紹介してほしいと頼まれていましたが、あなたのオフィス(または学校)に良さそうな人がみつかりました。 友人にメールを出してその人について説明してください。 会う計画をセッティングして伝えてあげることでもかまいません。
Hi Jenny,
How are you doing? There's a new guy working in the office and I think he's just your type. He's really into camping and trekking, just like you. He's not very handsome, but he's a super nice guy. He just moved here and seems rather lonely because he doesn't know anybody. I thought maybe you'd like to go out with him sometime. Is it okay if I give him your email address? Aiko and I can double date with you if you're feeling a little shy about doing the blind date thing. What do you think? I think it could be fun. Let me know.