10月後半の課題添削 (10/31までにご応募ください)
あなたはたくさんの生徒にプライベートレッスンで日本語を教えています。 最近生徒のひとりが、授業料の支払いを何度も忘れ、その都度注意しなければなりません。それだけではなく、最近は、直前のレッスンキャンセルも多くなりました。 彼はわざとやっているわけではなく、のんびりした性格なだけのようです。 その生徒にメールを送って、授業料の払い忘れと、直前キャンセルについて、あなたがこれ以上我慢できないことを伝えてください。彼を中傷したり、やめてほしいと思っているわけではありません。 丁寧なトーンであっても、断固とした態度が伝わるような英文を書いてみてください。
Hello John,
How are you doing? We missed you in the last lesson. Actually, that is part of the reason why I am emailing you. I'm not quite sure how to say this, but I'm concerned about some things regarding payment and cancellation of our lessons. When we started, we agreed that you would pay for your lessons at the end of each month, after 4 lessons. You also agreed to give me a few day's notice before canceling. However, recently, you have been forgetting to pay on time and I've had to remind you the last couple of times. I know you are not doing it on purpose, it's just your character. Unfortunately, I feel a little uncomfortable when I have to ask you for money all the time. If it's okay with you, I'd like to change the payment policy a bit. I'd like you to pay for the 4 lessons in advance. I will remind you when the next payment is due ahead of time. It should help you remember. As for cancellations, I won't charge you for lessons if you give me a week's notice ahead of time. However, I'll keep payment for any lessons you cancel at the last minute (less than 1 week). I hope this new policy is acceptable for you. I believe it will help both of us manage our schedules more efficiently. See you at the next lesson.
Jun Watanabe