9月後半の課題添削 (9/30までにご応募ください)
Are you a "team player", or do you prefer working alone?
職場、地域の活動、サークルなどにおいて、一人で仕事をするのと、グループで仕事をするのとでは、どちらが好きですか? 理由を考えて、ショートエッセイを書いてください。
I love working alone because that way I'm totally responsible for what I do. If I make a mistake, I have to take the blame. If I do a terrific job, I get all the glory. Everything is on my shoulders, and I like that challenge. Although there is a lot more pressure when I work on my own, it is worth it because I don't have to deal with the politics that comes with working in a group. I don't like to depend on other people to get things done. I'd rather set my own schedule and rely on my own ability. Of course, working in a group does have some benefits. It's great for brainstorming or testing out ideas. However, when it comes to actually getting things done, I work far more efficiently on my own.