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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)




9月前半の課題添削 (9/15までにご応募ください)


友人が、フットボールで大ケガをしたと聞きました。翌月の重要な試合に出る予定でしたが、担当医に最低2ヶ月は安静にしているように言われて、かなり落ち込んでいる様子です。 友人にメールを出して元気付けてあげてください。



Hey Joel,


How's the knee? I bet it's pretty sore. I hyperextended mine playing squash a few years back and it wasn't very fun. In fact, it hurt like hell. I wasn't 100% for a good six months. Are you on crutches? They are good for getting around, but make sure you keep weight off your knee. I guess you must be pretty bummed out about missing the big Labour Day game next month. It's too bad. Hey, why don't I come by this weekend with a case of beer and a DVD or two to watch? It'll take your mind off your knee for a bit. We can even order pizza just like the old days. What do you think? Let me know if you are up to it. I'm sure the company will cheer you up.


Take care,



