8月前半の課題添削 (8/15までにご応募ください)
Hi Jun,
How are you doing?
I bet you are surprised to hear from me. I got your email address from my parents so I can ask you a favor. I started high school this year and my teacher has given us an assignment about Japan. We have to do a presentation about something in Japanese culture. I kind of remember you talking about a lot of cool things when you were staying with us, but that was a long time ago. I was wondering if you have any ideas about what I should choose for a topic? My friends want to talk about samurais and ninjas, and stuff like that, but I want to do something a little different. Can you help me? You don't have to give me too many details. Just tell me the main stuff and I can maybe look it up on Wikipedia.
海外の高校生が興味を持ちそうな日本文化を1つ選んで、メールの返信で概要を教えてあげてください。 食べ物や学生生活などの日常生活のこと、また七夕、お盆など特定のイベントのどちらでもかまいません。